What can I say, another Ottolenghi inspired recipe. I searched high & low for the right sort of flaked almonds in Barcelona, but in the end these were made in the North of England whilst on a trip back home. Very easy to make, these went down incredibly well with ice cream & coffee as a simple dessert.
Almond & Orange Florentines
(makes 20 – 25)
2 egg-whites
100g icing sugar
250g flaked almonds
1 grated orange zest
Vegetable oil for brushing
Preheat your oven to 150C/300F or gas mark 2. Line a tray with baking paper and brush lightly with vegetable oil (crucial to ensure the base of your florentines crisp up). Put the egg whites, icing sugar, orange zest and flaked almonds in a bowl and mix slowly. Have next to you a bowl of cold water. Dip your hand into the water and pick up portions of the mix to make small mounds on the baking tray – make sure they are well spaced, then dip a fork and flatten each mound to a thin biscuit. Try and make them as thin as possible without leaving large gaps between the almond flakes – aim for about 8cm in diameter. Place in the oven and bake for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool on the tray and using a palette knife gently remove from the baking sheet. Store in a sealed jar – if there are any leftovers!
Gabi Bass - wow. these look delicious !